Plant Breeding Academy

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The Seed Biotechnology Center at the University of California, Davis has organized a professional development course to teach the principles of plant breeding to seed industry personnel. This two-year course addresses the reduced numbers of plant breeders being trained in academic programs. This program is a rare opportunity, curriculum exceeds that of one PhD because it is entirely focused on Plant Breeding, and it is taught majority by experienced Plant Breeders. Participants meet for six sessions over two years. Readings and exercises continue between sessions via internet to allow participants to maintain their current positions while being involved in the course.

Course goal: This course develops the skills and abilities of current industry personnel to enable them to become independent breeders or more valuable contributors to larger breeding programs.

Who should attend? The course is targeted toward personnel currently involved in plant breeding programs who lack the academic background in genetics theory and practice to advance as independent breeders. Current breeders who desire a refresher course or would like to broaden their expertise would also be potential participants.

Visit the Plant Breeding Academy website for more information about PBA programs including Davis, Europe, African, and CRISPR courses:


Plant Breeding Academy Website




Questions? Contact Whitney Lowe (