E-Series: RStudio for Plant Breeders & Scientists

banner for course, UC Davis Seed Biotechnology center e-series RStudio


Level 1: R for the Plant Breeders, Scientists, Trial Specialists, Agronomists, and their teams
- Introduction, set-up, and workflows

This module aims to introduce Seed industry professionals to the world of R and to guide them through setting up their work environments, tools, and workflows. This course will use the power of RStudio and the plethora of tools in the Tidyverse to guide the student through the whole process from data collection, good practices on data organization, reporting, and everything in between, always with the goals of transparency and reproducibility. This module is for beginners and those who didn’t have a chance to use R often.
~Instructor: Jose Luis Rodriguez Gil 

Level 2: RStudio – Data exploration, visualization, and reporting basics

Designed for plant breeders, scientists, and their teams. This Level 2 course begins with an introduction to the R Markdown tool to create high-quality dynamic reports and presentations with minimal effort in a single, reproducible format, such as HMTL, PDF, Word, or slides. Data exploration and wrangling; ggplot; foundation statistics, model fitting, ANOVA, testing; intro to SpATS; digging through model outputs. Visualize, communicate, and influence!! “The simple graph has brought more information to the data analyst’s mind than any other device.” — John Tukey.
~Instructors: Jose Luis Rodriguez Gil and Alexandra Tomerius

This E-Series course is also a recommended prerequisite for UC Davis Plant Breeding Academy. As a bonus, if a student applies for the academy and is accepted, then expenses for RStudio or any single E-Series would be waived.


2 Levels Available in 2025 - See dates & individual registration below:

Each level of this ONLINE course is 2-half days

► ​​​​Level 1: March 26 & 28, 2025
​​​​Time: 7:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Pacific time zone (PDT)

Early Registration Price: $TBD
​​​​​​Regular Registration Price: $TBD


​​​​Level 2: June 3 & 5, 2025
Time: 7:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Pacific time zone (PDT)

Early Registration Price: *$790
​​​​​​Regular Registration Price: $890
*(Early Registration ends May 6, 2025)

Register for level 2



Jose Luis Rodriguez Gil profile pic headshot #2

Jose Luis Rodriguez Gil, Ph.D.
Dr. Jose Luis Rodriguez Gil is an ecotoxicologist and environmental risk scientist with almost two decades of experience characterizing the effects of contaminants on the environment and aquatic systems. Jose Luis has worked with many classes of chemicals over the years but having completed his Ph.D. at the University of Guelph (Canada), a large portion of his work has focussed on plant protection products and agricultural settings. The large and complex nature of the datasets resulting from his research led him into the world of R, a subject he has been teaching at the university level for a few years, and for which he has received several awards.   



Alexandra Tomerius, Ph.D.
While earning her doctorate at the University of Hohenheim, Dr. Alexandra Tomerius worked in close cooperation with private industry plant breeding companies. She further devoted herself to the optimization of plant breeding as a post-graduate through early work as a research associate and later work as a freelance consultant. She was involved in projects related to the optimization of breeding winter wheat (Lochow-Petkus GmbH) and winter oilseed rape (DSV Deutsche Saatveredelung, Lippstadt). Since 2011, she has been and still is working for different private companies as a plant breeding consultant as well as giving training courses to academia and private industry in various fields of plant breeding, with a focus on statistics, field trial design, and breeding scheme optimization. 


Jovan Djordjevic headshot

Jovan Djordjevic, Ph.D.
Jovan is a plant breeder & seed executive with over 25 years of experience in the field crops and vegetable seed industries. His career began in France in 1996, as a Corn Breeder for Monsanto. Jovan continued in Canada as the Canola Breeding Lead for Monsanto, then in California as the R&D Team lead for Bayer/BASF. Throughout his prolific career, he has been a part of over 200 releases of hybrid varieties of corn, canola, tomato, pepper, sweet corn, watermelon, melon, cucumber, onions, carrots, and leek. In addition to being an SBC director of education, instructor for Plant Breeding academies and other SBC courses, Jovan is one of the founders and board director for Murray River Seeds and an industry consultant for plant breeding and business strategies with F2Gen LLC. He is looking forward, together with the SBC team of instructors, to impart his experiences to future generations of plant breeders and other seed industry professionals.


Attention International students: Please note before you register that you may enter your international phone number in the "Course Registration Information" section but in the "Contact information/Billing information" section, phone numbers must be in US format so you can enter: (530) 400-1234. Email jerobinson@ucdavis.edu with any additional questions or issues you may have. 

Questions? Contact Roxy Howard at roxhoward@ucdavis.edu.


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